Friday, November 27, 2009


Advent means "coming", or "coming towards". In Advent we get our hearts and minds ready for the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Oddly enough, though, the texts for the first Sunday in Advent always contain talk about the Second Coming. We who are Christians in this 21st century stand between the birth of the Messiah, back in a stable during the first century CE, and the Second Coming, when that same Messiah will come to close all time. The church tells time differently from the world. Advent is a time when we get ready--not for the tree, not for the presents, not for the relatives and food and parties--but for Christ. The baby whose birth we are getting ready for, is the same One who was crucified for us, and who reigns in power, for us, and who intercedes--for us--and who will come again--for us and for the redemption of all creation.
What are you getting ready for? or--perhaps a better question--who?
May God bless us all as we prepare our hearts for Christ
Pastor Nancy

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